Wesley Theological Seminary welcomes applicants who have already completed some Master’s level or Doctoral level work in another degree program. Students who have an incomplete theological degree may be eligible for transfer credit and waivers of requirements in order to complete the degree at Wesley. Students with a completed theological or non-theological degree may request Advanced Standing at Wesley in lieu of transfer.
The information below provides a brief summary of Wesley’s transfer policies for Admissions purposes for Master’s Degree candidates.
Credit Transfer and Advanced Standing
Applicant FAQs
Current Student/Alumni FAQs
Additional Information for Applicants
Questions? Reach out to us today!
Contact the Office of Admissions for additional guidance by email, or phone, (202)885-8659.
Visit Wesley
Learn about upcoming opportunities for you to visit our campus community and learn about our degree offerings.
Try A Class
Learn about upcoming opportunities for you to visit our campus community and learn about our degree offerings.
Tuition & Financial Aid
Wesley helps prepare students for ministry by developing a tuition rate that is a third of the actual cost of tuition and offers varying financial assistance options.
Masters Study at Wesley
Wesley Theological Seminary offers a wide selection of academic and applied masters degrees and duel degrees in cooperation with American University, Washington, D.C. Learn about our degree plans here.
Doctor of Ministry at Wesley
Wesley's Doctor of Ministry Program enables pastors to develop an integrated theology of ministry that embraces the total life and mission of the church. Learn more here.
I Chose Wesley
Wesley welcomes diversity and makes its efforts to work together as one in Christ. I also say practicality, as Wesley is a school that offers various classes that give you practical opportunities to test the waters before you enter in the ministry world.
- Jinny Kim, MDiv '2021
I chose Wesley because the seminary provides many useful and practical tools which is helping me to integrate my learning to real ministry settings. Wesley has deepened and stretched my understanding of the Bible and different kinds of theology, and the instruction has enhanced my ministry skills.
- YouJung Jung, MDiv '2021
About Wesley
Located in Washington, D.C., Wesley Theological Seminary is one of the largest and most diverse seminaries in the world. Since 1882, we have prepared persons for Christian ministry, fostered theological scholarship, and provided leadership on issues facing the church and the world.
Wesley Theological Seminary
4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016
p 202.885.8600
f 202.885.8605