God's call is bold. Your seminary should be, too.
The library is happy to offer services to our graduates in support of their ongoing theological research needs.
The Library is pleased to provide alumni access to Atlas PLUS, the premiere research database for theology and religious studies.
Atlas PLUS contains all of the titles in ATLA’s original full-text product (AtlaSerials) and 130+ additional full-text titles. Atlas PLUS offers access to over 400 full-text journals in religion and theology, with full-text content in 16 languages from more than 33 different countries.
For login and password information, please contact the Library (library@wesleyseminary.edu).
For more information about Atlas PLUS, visit Atla's product page.
Do you use the web-resource, Textweek (www.textweek.com)? It is a valuable resource which provides links to articles in the AtlaSerials database. However, until (or unless) Textweek updates its website to include links to Atlas PLUS, you cannot use the links on Textweek to access these databases directly as Wesley graduates, because of how the database links are configured.
To access an article suggested by Textweek, please log into Atlas PLUS on this page and then search for that specific article in the database.
To clarify, there is nothing in Atlas that is not in Atlas PLUS, but because of how they are configured you can't go directly from Textweek into ATLAS Plus.
Eligibility for Services
Alumni of Wesley Theological Seminary are eligible for borrowing privileges at no charge. Privileges are renewed on an annual basis. All outstanding fines and fees must be paid in order to renew annual borrowing privileges.
Wesley alumni may borrow up to 25 books for a 28 day loan period. Alumni also have full on-campus access to library e-resources, but off-campus access is restricted to the Atlas PLUS database. For more information about library privileges and responsibilities, see the Library Handbook.
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