RSVP for REMEMBER YOUR BAPTISM & SHELL SERVICE Information and Directions 2022 Shell Ceremony (Pre-orientation)- Office of Admissions Please RSVP for the Fall 2022 Shell Ceremony welcoming new incoming students to Wesley Theological Seminary. To assist us in planning, please complete the following form. Title (Mr., Mrs, Ms., Dr., Rev., Chaplain, etc)Name* First Last Primary Email* Primary PhoneDescribe your current interaction comfort level:* 6 six feet distanced interaction Comfortable with elbow/Fist-bump Open to full interaction T-Shirt Size*Attendees will receive a new Wesley T-shirt. Please indicate your T-shirt size. Small Medium Large XL 2-XL 3-XL 4-XL Do you have food allergies or special dietary needs? Yes/No?* If "Yes" please state specific allergy or special dietary needs below, e.g. fish, dairy, gluten, nut allergy.Additional Comments or QuestionsCAPTCHAEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.